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How to hire top User Researchers at Braintrust


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How to hire Top User Researchers


Hiring a User Researcher involves careful evaluation of candidates' skills, experience, and aptitude for understanding the needs, behaviors, and motivations of users. From practical experience in user research and knowledge of different qualitative research methods to strong analytical and communication skills, empathy, curiosity, technical competence with data tools, and teamwork, hiring managers must assess potential hires on a multitude of fronts.

At a startup, a User Experience Researcher might wear multiple hats and be involved in the entire research process, from planning and conducting research to analyzing data and communicating findings. They might need to be more flexible, proactive, and willing to work in an environment with limited resources and high ambiguity. They may need to take on the role of a user experience designer or strategist and work on project management, UI design (user interface design), or research projects. Therefore, a broad set of skills along with a can-do attitude and problem-solving mentality are critical in a startup environment. For larger companies, the roles can be more specialized. User Researchers might focus on specific parts of the research process or work on dedicated digital product teams. They would need to navigate more complex organizational structures, often collaborating with larger, more diverse teams.

Full-time vs. hourly hiring decisions depend on the company's needs and resources. Full-time researchers are typically involved in long-term, strategic initiatives, forming deeper understanding of the product and the user over time. They can provide consistent insights, contribute to the company's knowledge base, and be part of the strategic decision-making process. On the downside, a full-time researcher is a substantial investment, and small companies or startups may not have the resources or enough research needs to justify the cost.

On the other hand, hiring researchers on an hourly basis or contract can be a flexible, cost-effective option, especially for short-term projects or when the company is still establishing its research function. Contract researchers can be brought on as needed and can provide a fresh, outside perspective. However, they might not have the same depth of understanding of the product and users as a full-time researcher would, and the continuity of research knowledge could be a challenge.

Whether hiring for a startup or a larger company, full-time or hourly, it's crucial to find a User Researcher who can empathize with users, analyze and synthesize data effectively, communicate insights clearly, stay curious and solution-focused, and collaborate well with other teams. Their work will be instrumental in informing product design, interaction design, and web design decisions and product strategies, ultimately leading to a product that resonates with its users and meets their needs effectively.

Empathy for Users

Empathy in User Research isn't just about feeling sympathy for the user. It's about deeply understanding their experiences, needs, and motivations. User Researchers need to step into users' shoes to uncover their pain points and identify opportunities for improving the product. To do this effectively, they need skills in active listening and effective probing. They should be able to balance the user needs with business goals, bridging the gap between user experience and business strategy. Being comfortable with tools for creating user personas and empathy maps, like Xtensio or similar, can help in visualizing user characteristics and needs.

Excellent Communication Skills

User Researchers are the voice of the user within a company. They need to communicate their findings effectively to different stakeholders, including UX designers, product managers, developers, and even executives. This requires excellent verbal and written communication skills. They need to clearly articulate research goals, methodologies, and insights. They should be adept at translating complex data into clear, concise, and actionable recommendations. They may also need to create compelling presentations and reports that effectively communicate their research, making proficiency in tools such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, or even data visualization tools like Tableau or D3.js important. Storytelling skills can also be a key asset in making their findings more compelling and relatable.

Curiosity and Problem-Solving Skills

Good User Researchers are driven by a natural curiosity about people, their behavior, and their motivations. This curiosity helps them ask the right questions and dig deeper into user data to extract meaningful insights. They need to be good problem-solvers, able to think critically and creatively to find solutions to user problems. They should also be comfortable dealing with ambiguity, often needing to make sense of conflicting user feedback or sparse data. An understanding of different problem-solving methodologies and frameworks can be beneficial, as can skills in design thinking and lean UX.

Experience with Data Tools

Depending on the nature of the role, a User Researcher might need to have experience with different types of data tools. For quantitative research, skills in statistical analysis software such as R, Python, or SPSS could be required. For surveys, experience with tools like Qualtrics or SurveyMonkey could be necessary. For usability testing, tools like UserTesting, UsabilityHub, or Optimal Workshop might be needed. For qualitative data analysis and thematic coding, NVivo or Dedoose could be useful. Additionally, a basic understanding of Google Analytics or similar web analytics tools can provide valuable context for user behavior.

Collaborative and Team Player

User Researchers need to collaborate closely with other teams and roles within a company. They work with designers to inform the design process, product managers to prioritize features, and developers to understand implementation constraints. Therefore, they need to be effective team players, able to give and receive feedback constructively and collaborate across different disciplines with team members. Skills in collaboration tools such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Jira can be beneficial. Additionally, they should be comfortable with design collaboration tools like Figma, Sketch, or Adobe XD as they often need to work closely with design teams. Strong facilitation skills can also be an asset in conducting workshops and collaborative sessions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why hire a user researcher?

Hiring UX researchers is crucial for understanding how your target audience interacts with your product or service. They bring a deep understanding of user behaviors, needs, and motivations. Their findings can guide the design and development process, ensuring your product meets user needs and expectations, ultimately leading to improved user satisfaction and business success.

How much do freelance UX researchers charge?

The rates of freelance UX researchers can vary widely depending on their years of experience, expertise, and the complexity of the project. Freelancers can charge anywhere from $50 to $200 per hour. However, rates may change, so it's best to check current market rates on freelance platforms like Braintrust or industry surveys.

When should you hire a user researcher?

You should consider hiring a user researcher at any stage of the product development cycle. However, the earlier they are involved, the more impact they can have on the product. They can help at the ideation stage to understand user needs, during development to test prototypes, and after release to understand how the product is being used and where improvements can be made. Hiring a user researcher is not just a one-time event, but a continuous process of understanding your users before onboarding.

How much does it cost to hire a User Researcher?

The cost to hire a User Researcher depends on various factors such as the complexity of the work, the researcher's experience level, and the location. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, in the United States, the average salary for a User Researcher is around $90,000 - $130,000 per year for a mid-level professional. Senior User Researchers or User Research Managers can command significantly higher salaries. The cost will also include benefits, taxes, and overhead costs like office space and equipment if they're working on-site. For contract workers, you'll typically be paying a flat hourly rate or project fee.

Where can I hire a User Researcher?

User Researchers can be hired through various channels. Job boards and specialized sites like Braintrust are great places to post job listings. Professional organizations such as the User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA) also have job boards. Networking events, UX or research conferences, and local Meetup groups are also useful for finding potential candidates. Alternatively, you could hire freelancers through platforms like Braintrust as well.

How do I recruit a User Researcher?

To recruit a User Researcher, start by clearly defining the role, responsibilities, and the skills and experience required. Post this job description on relevant job boards, your company website, and share it through your professional networks. Consider reaching out directly to potential candidates on platforms like LinkedIn. You can also work with a recruitment agency specializing in UX roles. Once applications start coming in, screen candidates based on their resumes, portfolios, and cover letters. Then conduct interviews to assess their skills, experience, and cultural fit. It can be useful to give final-round candidates a practical task, like proposing a design research plan for a specific problem or analyzing some user data.

How much does a User Researcher charge per hour?

Hourly rates for User Researchers can vary widely depending on their level of experience, specialization, the nature of the work, and location. As of 2021, a freelance User Researcher in the U.S. might charge anywhere from $50 to $200 per hour. On average, a mid-level User Researcher might charge around $100-$150 per hour. Remember that freelancers set their rates to cover not just their time, but also their overhead costs and benefits like health insurance that would typically be provided by an employer.

What does a user researcher do?

A user researcher conducts various forms of user research like interviews, surveys, usability testing, and ethnographic studies. Their goal is to gain insights into user behaviors, preferences, motivations, and needs. They then analyze this data and present it in a format that can guide and inform the design and development process for wireframes on websites or mobile applications for Android or ios.

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