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How to hire top Sys Admins at Braintrust


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How to hire Top Sys Admins


Hiring a System Administrator (Sys Admin) involves a careful evaluation of technical abilities, relevant experience, problem-solving skills, and personality traits to ensure the candidate can effectively manage, maintain, and troubleshoot an organization's IT infrastructure. The role of a sys admin can vary significantly depending on the size and nature of the organization, and these differences should be considered during the hiring process.

At a startup, a sys admin might wear multiple hats, handling a wide range of responsibilities from managing servers and networks to overseeing data security and even helping end-users with their IT issues. Given the breadth of these responsibilities, startups might look for sys admins who are adaptable, able to work independently, and comfortable working in a fast-paced, ever-changing environment. A smaller team might also mean closer collaboration with other teams, so strong communication skills would be highly valued.

In contrast, larger companies typically have a more defined and specialized role for their sys admins. These sys admins might be part of a larger IT team, and their responsibilities might be more focused on certain areas like network management, system security, or cloud administration. In these cases, deep expertise in the relevant areas would be more important. Large organizations might also place a greater emphasis on relevant certifications and formal qualifications due to their often more structured hiring processes.

The decision between hiring a full-time sys admin versus a part-time or hourly contractor often comes down to the organization's specific needs and budget. Full-time sys admins are typically more expensive in terms of salary and benefits, but they provide continuity and can build a deep understanding of the organization's IT infrastructure over time, which can lead to more effective system management and troubleshooting.

On the other hand, hourly contractors can provide flexibility and may be a more cost-effective solution if the organization only needs sys admin services intermittently or for specific projects. However, these contractors might not have the same level of familiarity with the organization's systems as a full-time sys admin would, which could potentially impact their effectiveness.

In either case, it's crucial to consider the level of commitment and engagement expected from the sys admin. Full-time roles often require a higher level of commitment and involvement, while hourly roles might be more transactional but still require a high level of professional competence.

In conclusion, hiring a sys admin involves a careful consideration of the organization's specific needs, size, and culture, as well as the candidate's technical skills, experience, and ability to fit within the organization. Whether it's for a startup or a large company, full-time or hourly, the sys admin plays a vital role in ensuring the smooth and secure operation of the organization's IT systems.

Technical Skills

A system administrator is expected to possess a diverse range of technical skills due to the multifaceted nature of their job. First, they should have in-depth knowledge of various operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and macOS since they will often be tasked with maintaining servers or workstations running on these platforms. They should understand how to manage, configure, and troubleshoot these systems effectively.

In terms of networking, sys admins need to comprehend network architectures, protocols, and security. They should be proficient in managing switches, routers, and firewalls, and understand concepts like subnetting, VPNs, and VLANs. Familiarity with networking tools like Wireshark and Nmap can also be advantageous.

System administrators should have robust hardware and software troubleshooting skills, being able to diagnose and resolve issues related to servers, desktops, and various applications. They are also often responsible for managing and configuring virtual environments, so knowledge of technologies like VMWare or Hyper-V is important.

Finally, cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud are increasingly prevalent, and an understanding of how to manage and configure resources in these environments is highly beneficial. Experience in information technology,SQL, Linux, Unix, scripting, automation, computer science, software engineering, software development, DevOps, project management, and code such as Python may also be helpful.

Relevant Certifications

While hands-on experience is often paramount, certifications can serve as proof of a sys admin's technical competency. The Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate certification, for instance, validates an individual's skills in implementing, managing, and monitoring an organization's Microsoft Azure environment.

Similarly, the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator certification is designed for those managing and deploying systems on AWS, showcasing skills in data flow across AWS, cost optimization, and ensuring service control.

The Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) certification is a leading certification for Linux system administrators. This validates the ability to perform core system administration tasks, including installation, establishing network connectivity, managing physical storage, and basic security administration.

Cisco's CCNA certification is a fundamental credential for network administrators that verifies one's ability to install, configure, operate, and troubleshoot medium-sized routed and switched networks.

Beyond technical skills, the ability to problem-solve is a critical quality in top TypeScript developers. They need to be able to decompose complex problems into simpler, more manageable parts while also being mindful of scalability. Proficiency in data structures and algorithms can assist in this, especially when performance is a concern. They should have a deep understanding of asynchronous programming in TypeScript/JavaScript, given its prominence in the language, to tackle problems relating to timing or resource management. A practice of writing clean, readable code will help when returning to solve issues or optimize. They should also have the ability to debug effectively, using tools like the browser’s DevTools or Node.js’s debugger, as well as the ability to read and understand error messages and stack traces. Finally, the best programmers are mindful of the user experience and are equipped to make changes and adjustments as business needs develop.

Communication Skills

Good communication is crucial for any development role. Top TypeScript developers should be able to articulate their thoughts and ideas clearly and concisely, especially if working remotely in a different timezone than the core team. They should be able to explain technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders and collaborate effectively with other team members. They should be comfortable using collaborative tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams, project management tools like Jira or Trello, and should be able to write clear documentation for their code to ensure maintainability. Active listening is also key in understanding project requirements and feedback from peers. Lastly, they should be open to giving and receiving constructive criticism, as part of a continuous learning and improvement process.


Hands-on experience in a similar role is key when hiring a sys admin. This is a profession where theoretical knowledge often needs to be paired with practical experience for effective results.

Candidates should have experience managing server environments, including installing, configuring, and maintaining server hardware and software. They should be familiar with regular administrative tasks such as patch management, system performance monitoring, and troubleshooting.

Experience with system and network security is also crucial. This includes the management of firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and secure network architectures. Implementing and maintaining backup solutions and disaster recovery protocols is another important area.

Ideally, candidates should also have experience with cloud platforms like AWS or Azure, including creating and managing virtual machines, managing cloud storage, and implementing cloud security measures.

Problem-Solving Skills

System administrators are often the first line of defense when technical issues arise. They should be adept at identifying, diagnosing, and resolving issues promptly and efficiently. This often involves a systematic approach to problem-solving, starting from understanding the issue, hypothesizing the cause, testing the hypothesis, and implementing the solution.

Problem-solving skills also involve innovative thinking. For example, when resources are limited, sys admins might need to devise creative solutions to keep systems running smoothly. Moreover, they need to anticipate potential future issues and implement preventative measures.

Part of being a good problem solver is also knowing when to ask for help. No one can know everything, so recognizing when an issue is beyond one's current knowledge and reaching out to others (like vendors, forums, or other team members) shows maturity and good judgment. These attributes are invaluable for a sys admin, who is often seen as the problem solver

Communication Skills

System administrators often act as intermediaries between the IT department and other parts of an organization, so they must be adept communicators. They need to be able to translate complex technical concepts into language that non-technical team members can understand, fostering better collaboration and smoother problem resolution.

These skills also come into play when dealing with third-party vendors, as sys admins often need to collaborate with these vendors to procure hardware, software, or services. Negotiation skills can be a valuable asset in these scenarios.

Furthermore, communication skills are crucial in documentation, a key part of a sys admin's role. They need to produce clear, concise, and accurate documents covering system configurations, troubleshooting procedures, and system architecture diagrams. These documents are often used by other IT staff, and in some cases by audit teams, so clarity is paramount.


The technology landscape is dynamic and ever-evolving, and sys admins must be able to adapt to these changes. This includes the ability to quickly learn and implement new technologies, adjust to changes in company policies or procedures, and alter their problem-solving strategies based on the unique requirements of each situation.

This adaptability extends to crisis situations. System failures, data breaches, and other urgent issues often require swift action and the ability to remain calm under pressure. A sys admin must be capable of shifting gears quickly in these situations and devising effective strategies to mitigate damage and resolve the issue.

Security Knowledge

With the rising number of cyber threats, a sys admin's role in securing an organization's IT infrastructure has become increasingly critical. This includes a solid understanding of network security principles, such as firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems (IDS/IPS), and secure network design.

Sys admins should also be well-versed in the use of security tools like Nessus or OpenVAS for vulnerability scanning, or Metasploit for penetration testing. Knowledge of different types of malware, how they spread, and how to combat them is also vital.

Furthermore, sys admins often play a key role in developing and implementing security policies and procedures, so knowledge of best practices for user access control, data protection, and incident response is crucial. Familiarity with security standards like ISO 27001 or the NIST Cybersecurity Framework can also be beneficial.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to hire a Sys Admin?

The cost to hire a system administrator depends on a variety of factors including the individual's level of experience, the complexity of your system infrastructure, geographic location, and whether you're hiring a full-time employee or a contract worker. The average salary for a sys admin in the United States is approximately $62,000 to $83,000 per year for a mid-level position. For senior roles, this can exceed $100,000. These figures can fluctuate based on the variables mentioned. Remember, for a full-time employee, you'll also need to consider costs such as benefits, taxes, and training.

Where can I hire a Sys Admin?

There are multiple avenues to hire a system administrator. Traditional job boards and IT-specific job boards like Braintrust is a common choice. Braintrust has a pool of pre-screened candidates and can save you time in the initial screening process. Furthermore, networking events or industry-specific forums and communities can also serve as potential sources of talent.

How do I recruit a Sys Admin?

Recruiting a sys admin involves clearly identifying your needs in terms of technical skills, experience level, and specific responsibilities they'll handle. Once you have a clear job description, you can post the job posting on job boards like Braintrust's. Screen applicants based on their resumes first, then conduct interviews to gauge their technical competency, problem-solving skills, and cultural fit. Asking scenario-based questions can provide insight into how candidates would handle real-world situations. Depending on the role's complexity, practical assessments or tests might also be useful to assess a candidate's technical abilities.

How much does a Sys Admin charge per hour?

The hourly rate for systems administrator jobs can vary significantly based on their years of experience with server administration and systems administration, the scope of work, whether they have a bachelor’s degree or internships, and the location. In the United States, sys admins typically charged anywhere from $20 to $75 per hour as freelancers or contractors, with the higher end usually for individuals with significant experience or specialized skills. However, for consulting companies offering sys admin services, the rates could be higher, often exceeding $100 per hour. Remember that rates can fluctuate over time and may have changed. Always conduct thorough market research to understand the current rates.

Can a sys admin be remote?

Yes, a sys admin can work remotely, and the trend has grown with the rise of remote work due to technological advances and recent global events. Many tasks, like server management, network monitoring, and troubleshooting, can be done remotely using various tools. However, some aspects of the job, such as hardware issues, may require a physical presence. Some companies maintain a hybrid approach, where sys admins work remotely but can come onsite when necessary. A successful remote sys admin will require excellent communication skills and the ability to work independently, along with robust remote access tools and security practices.

What does a sys admin do?

A system administrator, or sys admin, is responsible for setting up and maintaining an organization's computer systems, which often includes networks, servers, and security systems. They ensure that these systems are running efficiently and securely, regularly performing tasks like installing and upgrading software, creating and managing user accounts, monitoring system performance, implementing backups, and troubleshooting technical issues. In addition, sys admins often play a key role in implementing IT policies and procedures and may be involved in IT project planning and execution. They serve as the first line of defense in addressing system or network-related problems.

Is System Admin same as system analyst?

While both roles are part of an organization's IT department, a sys admin and a system analyst perform different functions. A sys admin's primary responsibility is maintaining, upgrading, and troubleshooting an organization's IT systems. On the other hand, a system analyst acts as a bridge between business needs and technology. They analyze business processes and design information systems solutions to help the organization operate more efficiently and effectively. Therefore, the sys admin role is more technical and operation-focused, while the system analyst role leans more towards business analysis and solution design. Both roles, however, require a solid understanding of technology and problem-solving skills.

Is System Admin a stressful job?

The role of a system administrator can be stressful due to its high level of responsibility. System admins are often tasked with maintaining the integrity and efficient operation of a company's systems, which can include servers, networks, and other critical IT infrastructure. They are usually the first line of defense when IT issues arise, and downtime can have severe business impacts, adding to the pressure. Additionally, the need to stay up-to-date with evolving technology trends and security threats also contributes to the stress level. However, stress can be managed with the right support, tools, and practices in place, including continuous learning, efficient task management, and a supportive organizational culture.

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