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How to hire top Demand Generation Managers at Braintrust


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How to hire Top Demand Generation Managers


When it comes to hiring a top Demand Generation Manager, it's important to consider the context of your organization. Startups and enterprises have different needs and priorities, and the ideal candidate for one may not be the best fit for the other. For example, a startup may need someone who is comfortable wearing multiple hats and can work independently, while an enterprise may require someone with experience managing large teams and budgets. Another important consideration is whether to hire a full-time or part-time employee. This decision will depend on your organization's budget and needs. A full-time employee may be necessary if demand generation is a critical function for your business and requires ongoing attention. On the other hand, a part-time employee may be a good option if you have a smaller budget or if demand generation is not a primary focus of your business. When hiring a Demand Generation Manager, there are several things to consider. First, look for someone with a strong track record of success in demand generation. This may include experience with lead generation, email marketing, social media advertising, and other tactics. Additionally, look for someone who is data-driven and can use analytics to measure the success of their campaigns. It's also important to consider the candidate's communication and collaboration skills. Demand generation often involves working closely with sales and marketing teams, so the ideal candidate should be able to communicate effectively and work well with others. Finally, consider the candidate's fit with your organization's culture and values. A good cultural fit can lead to better collaboration and a more productive work environment.

Technical Expertise

When hiring a Demand Generation Manager, it is crucial to find a candidate with strong technical expertise. This is because the role requires a deep understanding of marketing automation platforms, CRM systems, and analytics tools. A candidate with strong technical skills will be able to effectively manage and optimize campaigns, track and analyze data, and make data-driven decisions to improve performance. Additionally, they should have experience with lead scoring, segmentation, and nurturing, as well as a solid understanding of SEO, SEM, and social media advertising. Without these technical skills, a Demand Generation Manager may struggle to effectively execute campaigns and drive results. Therefore, it is essential to prioritize technical expertise when hiring for this role.

Education and Relevant Experience

When hiring a Demand Generation Manager, it is important to look for candidates with a strong educational background or relevant experience in marketing, business, or a related field. A candidate with a degree in marketing or business administration can bring a solid foundation of knowledge and skills to the role. Additionally, candidates with experience in demand generation, lead generation, and digital marketing can demonstrate their ability to create and execute successful campaigns. Look for candidates who have experience with marketing automation tools, data analysis, and lead scoring. Strong communication and collaboration skills are also important, as the Demand Generation Manager will work closely with sales teams and other stakeholders to drive revenue growth.


As a hiring manager, it's crucial to find someone with creativity when hiring for a Demand Generation Manager role. This is because creativity is essential in developing innovative marketing strategies that can capture the attention of potential customers and generate leads. A creative Demand Generation Manager can come up with unique ideas that can differentiate your company from competitors and create a lasting impression on your target audience. Additionally, creativity is vital in problem-solving, which is a critical aspect of demand generation. A creative individual can think outside the box and find solutions to complex challenges that arise in the demand generation process. Therefore, hiring a creative Demand Generation Manager can help your company stay ahead of the competition and achieve its marketing goals.

Lead Generation Strategies

It is crucial to find someone with lead generation strategies when hiring for a Demand Generation Manager because lead generation is the foundation of demand generation. A Demand Generation Manager is responsible for creating and executing marketing campaigns that generate interest and demand for a company's products or services. However, without a steady stream of qualified leads, these campaigns will not be effective. A skilled lead generation strategist understands how to identify and target the right audience, create compelling content and offers, and use various channels to attract and capture leads. They also know how to measure and analyze the effectiveness of their strategies, which is essential for optimizing campaigns and improving ROI. Therefore, finding someone with lead generation expertise is critical to the success of a Demand Generation Manager and the overall marketing efforts of a company.

Marketing Automation Skills

When hiring for a Demand Generation Manager, it is crucial to find someone with Marketing Automation skills. Marketing Automation is a powerful tool that can help streamline and automate marketing processes, allowing for more efficient and effective lead generation and nurturing. A Demand Generation Manager with Marketing Automation skills can create and execute targeted campaigns, track and analyze data, and optimize marketing efforts to drive revenue growth. Without these skills, a Demand Generation Manager may struggle to keep up with the demands of the job and may not be able to fully leverage the benefits of Marketing Automation. Therefore, finding someone with Marketing Automation skills is essential for any company looking to succeed in today's competitive market.

Conversion Rate Optimization

It is crucial to find someone with conversion rate optimization (CRO) skills when hiring for a Demand Generation Manager because CRO is an essential aspect of demand generation. A Demand Generation Manager's primary responsibility is to generate leads and drive revenue for the company. However, generating leads is not enough; the leads must convert into paying customers. This is where CRO comes in. A CRO expert can analyze the website's user experience, identify areas of improvement, and implement changes that will increase the conversion rate. By hiring someone with CRO skills, the Demand Generation Manager can ensure that the leads generated are more likely to convert into paying customers, resulting in increased revenue for the company. Therefore, finding someone with CRO skills is crucial for the success of a Demand Generation Manager.

Ability to Stay Updated

It's important to consider the ability to stay updated when looking for a Demand Generation Manager. In today's fast-paced digital world, marketing trends and technologies are constantly evolving. A Demand Generation Manager who can stay up-to-date with the latest industry developments and adapt their strategies accordingly will be better equipped to drive results for the company. This skill also demonstrates a willingness to learn and grow, which is essential for success in any role. By hiring a Demand Generation Manager with the ability to stay updated, you can ensure that your marketing efforts remain relevant and effective in a constantly changing landscape.

Communication and Teamwork Skills

It's important to recognize the significance of communication and teamwork skills for a Demand Generation Manager. This role requires the ability to collaborate with various teams, including sales, marketing, and product development, to create effective demand generation strategies. Effective communication skills are essential to ensure that all team members are on the same page and working towards the same goals. Additionally, a Demand Generation Manager must be able to communicate effectively with external stakeholders, such as customers and vendors. Strong teamwork skills are also crucial for this role, as the success of demand generation initiatives often depends on the ability to work collaboratively with others. A Demand Generation Manager who possesses excellent communication and teamwork skills can help to foster a positive and productive work environment, leading to increased success for the company.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to hire a Demand Generation Manager?

The cost of hiring a Demand Generation Manager can vary depending on several factors such as location, industry, experience, and company size. According to Glassdoor, the average base salary for a Demand Generation Manager in the United States is around $85,000 to $120,000 per year, but this can vary significantly based on the factors mentioned above. Additionally, there may be additional costs such as benefits, bonuses, and other compensation packages.

Where can I hire a Demand Generation Manager?

There are several ways to hire a Demand Generation Manager: 1. Job boards: You can post your job opening on popular job boards like Braintrust, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn. 2. Recruitment agencies: You can work with a recruitment agency that specializes in marketing and sales roles. 3. Freelance platforms: You can hire a freelance Demand Generation Manager on platforms like Braintrust. 4. Referrals: You can ask for referrals from your network or industry contacts. 5. Social media: You can post your job opening on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

How do I recruit a Demand Generation Manager?

1. Define the role: Start by defining the role of the Demand Generation Manager. This includes outlining the responsibilities, required skills, and experience needed for the position. 2. Create a job description: Based on the role definition, create a job description that clearly outlines the responsibilities, qualifications, and expectations for the position. 3. Post the job: Post the job on relevant job boards, social media platforms, and your company website. You can also reach out to recruitment agencies or headhunters to help you find suitable candidates. 4. Screen resumes: Review resumes and cover letters to identify candidates who meet the qualifications and experience required for the role. 5. Conduct interviews: Conduct initial phone or video interviews to assess the candidate's skills, experience, and cultural fit. 6. Conduct in-person interviews: Invite the top candidates for in-person interviews to further assess their skills, experience, and cultural fit. 7. Check references: Check references to verify the candidate's experience and qualifications. 8. Make an offer: Once you have identified the best candidate, make an offer that includes salary, benefits, and any other relevant details. 9. Onboard the new hire: Once the candidate accepts the offer, onboard them by providing training, introducing them to the team, and setting expectations for their role.

How much does a Demand Generation Manager charge per hour?

The average salary for a Demand Generation Manager in the United States is around $85,000 per year. Hourly rates may vary depending on factors such as experience, location, and industry.

Is it hard to find good Demand Generation Managers?

According to industry reports, finding good Demand Generation Managers can be challenging. This is because the role requires a unique combination of skills, including marketing strategy, data analysis, lead generation, and project management. Additionally, the demand for skilled Demand Generation Managers is high, and the competition for top talent is fierce. Companies may need to invest time and resources in recruiting and training to find and retain the right candidate.

What type of work do Demand Generation Managers generally do?

Demand Generation Managers generally work on creating and executing marketing campaigns and strategies to generate interest and demand for a company's products or services. They work closely with sales and marketing teams to identify target audiences, develop messaging and content, and implement tactics such as email marketing, social media advertising, webinars, and events. They also analyze data and metrics to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns and make adjustments as needed. Additionally, they may collaborate with product teams to ensure that marketing efforts align with product development and launch timelines.

Why hire a Demand Generation Manager?

1. Increase revenue: A Demand Generation Manager can help increase revenue by generating more leads and converting them into customers. 2. Improve marketing ROI: By optimizing marketing campaigns and focusing on the most effective channels, a Demand Generation Manager can improve the return on investment (ROI) of marketing efforts. 3. Align sales and marketing: A Demand Generation Manager can help align sales and marketing teams by creating a shared understanding of the target audience and the most effective ways to reach them. 4. Develop a comprehensive strategy: A Demand Generation Manager can develop a comprehensive strategy that includes all aspects of demand generation, from lead generation to nurturing to conversion. 5. Stay ahead of the competition: A Demand Generation Manager can help a company stay ahead of the competition by identifying new trends and opportunities in the market and adapting marketing strategies accordingly.

Are Demand Generation Managers in high demand?

Demand generation is a critical function for any business that wants to grow and acquire new customers. Therefore, it is likely that demand generation managers are in high demand in industries that prioritize customer acquisition and growth.

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