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How to hire top Web Developers at Braintrust


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Felipe Pessoto

Felipe Pessoto

Sao Paulo, BR
  • JavaScript

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Daiane Babicz

Daiane Babicz

Curitiba, BR
  • React

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James Latten Jr

James Latten Jr

  • Node.js

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How to hire Top Web Developers


Hiring a web developer is a crucial step for businesses looking to create, maintain, or enhance their online presence. Finding the right candidate involves evaluating their technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and cultural fit, as well as considering the specific needs of your organization.

One factor to consider when hiring a web developer is the size and nature of your company. Startups and smaller organizations typically require developers who can wear multiple hats and adapt quickly to changing requirements. They should be comfortable with a fast-paced environment, rapid prototyping, and potentially limited resources. On the other hand, larger companies may have more specialized roles, where developers focus on specific aspects of web development, such as front-end or back-end, and work within established processes and frameworks.

Another important aspect to consider is the employment type: full-time versus hourly or contract-based. Full-time developers are usually more invested in the long-term success of your organization and can contribute to ongoing projects, maintenance, and improvements. This option is ideal if you have continuous web development needs or if you're building a dedicated in-house team.

However, hiring a developer on an hourly or contract basis might be more suitable for businesses with specific, short-term projects or limited budgets. Contract-based developers can provide specialized expertise for a particular task or project, without the long-term commitment of a full-time employee. When hiring hourly or contract developers, it's essential to ensure they understand the project's scope and have the necessary skills to complete it within the agreed timeline.

Remote work has become increasingly prevalent in the web development industry, offering businesses the opportunity to tap into a broader talent pool. When hiring remote developers, consider factors such as time zone differences, communication and collaboration tools, and the candidate's ability to work independently and effectively in a remote setting.

In addition to technical skills, it's essential to assess the candidate's problem-solving abilities, communication skills, and cultural fit with your organization. Hiring developers who possess strong critical thinking skills, adaptability, and the ability to work well with others will significantly improve the overall success of your web development projects.

When it comes to compensation, it's crucial to offer competitive salaries or hourly rates that reflect the candidate's experience, skill set, and the market's standards. Research industry salary benchmarks, and consider factors such as the cost of living, benefits, and potential for growth within your organization.

Hiring a web developer involves carefully considering the candidate's technical skills, employment type, work environment, and cultural fit, as well as the specific needs of your organization. By thoroughly evaluating these factors, you can find a developer who not only possesses the necessary skills but also seamlessly integrates with your team and contributes to the success of your web development projects, whether you are a startup or a larger company, and whether you need a full-time employee or an hourly contractor.

Relevant technical skills

When hiring web developers, it's essential to consider their technical skills, which should align with your project requirements. Assessing their expertise in the core web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) is crucial, as these form the foundation of web development. Additionally, evaluate their proficiency in relevant programming languages, such as PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, or .NET, based on your project's needs.

For front-end developers, knowledge of popular libraries and frameworks, such as React, Angular, or Vue.js, can be a significant advantage, as these tools streamline the development process and ensure better code organization. Familiarity with CSS preprocessors like Sass or Less, and experience working with task runners or bundlers, such as Grunt, Gulp, or Webpack, can also be beneficial for efficient workflow management.

For back-end developers, assess their experience with server-side technologies and frameworks, such as Node.js, Express, Django, or Ruby on Rails. Knowledge of database management systems, like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB, is essential, as is experience with server configuration and management (e.g., Apache, Nginx, or IIS).

Portfolio and work samples

A candidate's portfolio and work samples provide valuable insight into their capabilities, design sensibilities, and attention to detail. When reviewing portfolios, consider the following:

Visual appeal: Assess the aesthetics of their previous projects to determine if their design style aligns with your vision and brand identity.

Functionality: Evaluate the usability and responsiveness of their work. Look for smooth navigation, clear call-to-actions, and a seamless user experience.

Performance: Check if the websites in their portfolio load quickly and efficiently, as this indicates their understanding of web performance optimization.

Code quality: Request access to their code repositories or samples to assess the organization, readability, functionality, and maintainability of their code.

Experience with responsive design and cross-browser compatibility

Responsive design ensures that websites function effectively across various devices, screen sizes, and resolutions. When hiring web developers, look for candidates with experience in creating fluid grid layouts, flexible media (images, videos), and using CSS media queries for conditional styling based on device properties. Familiarity with front-end frameworks, like Bootstrap or Foundation, can also be advantageous, as they provide a robust foundation for responsive design.

Cross-browser compatibility is another essential aspect of web development, as websites should work correctly across different web browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge). Ensure that the candidate has experience in addressing browser-specific issues, testing websites on multiple browsers, and using tools like BrowserStack or Browsershots for compatibility and functionality testing.

Problem-solving and critical-thinking skills

Web development often involves overcoming technical challenges, requiring strong problem-solving and critical thinking abilities. To assess these skills, consider the following during the hiring process:

Technical interviews: Use technical interviews to gauge the candidate's thought process when solving complex problems, as well as their ability to articulate and explain their approach.

Coding tests: Assign coding challenges or tests to assess their technical knowledge, problem-solving abilities, and code quality.

Real-world examples: Ask candidates to discuss specific issues they encountered in previous projects, how they resolved them, and what they learned from those experiences. This can provide valuable insights into their troubleshooting capabilities and adaptability in challenging situations.

By thoroughly evaluating these aspects, you can identify web developers who possess the necessary skills, creativity, and determination to tackle the challenges that web development projects often present.

Familiarity with version control systems

Version control systems, such as Git, are essential tools for web developers, as they allow for tracking changes in source code, collaboration with other team members, and efficient code management. When hiring web developers, ensure they have experience with version control systems, particularly the one your team uses.

Proficiency in Git commands, branching strategies, and merge conflict resolution can significantly improve a developer's workflow and reduce the chances of errors or lost work. Additionally, familiarity with popular Git repository hosting services, such as GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket, can streamline collaboration and code review processes.

Strong communication and collaboration skills

Effective communication and collaboration are vital in web development projects, as developers often work with various team members, including designers, project managers, and content creators. When hiring web developers, look for candidates who demonstrate the following qualities:

Articulate: They should be able to explain complex technical concepts in simple terms, making it easier for non-technical stakeholders to understand and contribute to discussions.

Open to feedback: Developers should be receptive to constructive criticism and willing to adapt their work based on feedback from team members or clients.

Team player: Web development is often a collaborative effort, so developers should be comfortable working with others, sharing ideas, and contributing to group discussions.

Active listener: Good communication involves not only expressing oneself but also actively listening and understanding others' perspectives and concerns.

Knowledge of web performance optimization

Web performance optimization plays a critical role in enhancing the user experience, as slow-loading websites can frustrate visitors and negatively impact search engine rankings. When hiring web developers, look for candidates who understand and have experience implementing optimization techniques, such as:

Minification and compression: Reducing the size of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files by removing unnecessary characters and compressing data.

Image optimization: Using appropriate file formats, compression techniques, and responsive images to reduce image size without compromising quality.

Caching: Implementing caching strategies to store and serve frequently used data, reducing server load and improving response times.

Lazy loading: Deferring the loading of non-critical resources, such as images or videos, until they are needed, speeding up the initial load time of a webpage.

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): Utilizing CDNs to serve static assets, reducing latency and improving the delivery speed of website content.

Cultural fit and adaptability

A candidate's ability to align with your organization's culture and adapt to new technologies or workflows is crucial for successful collaboration and integration within the existing team. When hiring web developers, consider the following:

Cultural fit: Assess how well the candidate's values, work style, and personality align with your organization's culture. This can be determined through behavioral interview questions, references, or informal conversations.

Learning mindset: Web development is a constantly evolving field, so developers should demonstrate a willingness to learn and adapt to new technologies, tools, and best practices. Look for candidates who actively seek professional development opportunities, participate in online communities, or contribute to open-source projects.

Flexibility: Web development projects may require changes in direction or technology, so developers should be comfortable adjusting their approach and embracing new challenges. Evaluate their ability to adapt based on their past experiences, problem-solving skills, and overall mindset.

By considering these factors, you can find web developers who not only possess the necessary technical skills but also seamlessly integrate with your development team and adapt to the dynamic nature of web development.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a Web Developer do?

Web developers are responsible for designing, creating, and maintaining websites and web applications (web apps). They work on the overall appearance and functionality of websites, ensuring that they are user-friendly, responsive, and accessible across various devices and browsers. Web developers can be divided into two main categories: front-end developers and back-end developers. Some web developers are also full-stack developers, which means they work on both front-end and back-end development.

Front-end developers focus on the user interface and user experience. They work with technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create high-quality, visually appealing, and functional websites. Their typical skill set includes:

  1. HTML: The markup language used for structuring content on the web.
  2. CSS: A stylesheet language used for styling web pages and controlling their layout.
  3. JavaScript: A programming language that enables web developers to add interactivity and dynamic content to websites.
  4. Responsive website design: Ensuring websites adapt and function well on various devices and screen sizes.
  5. Cross-browser compatibility: Making sure websites work correctly across different web browsers.
  6. Web performance optimization: Enhancing the speed and overall performance of websites.
  7. Familiarity with front-end libraries and frameworks (e.g., React, Angular, or Vue.js).
  8. Familiarity with plugins and content management systems (e.g., WordPress, Drupal, Wix) and other web services.
  9. Understanding of search engine optimization (SEO).

Back-end developers work on the server-side of web applications. They are responsible for creating, maintaining, and optimizing the underlying infrastructure that powers a website. Their typical skill set includes:

  1. Server-side programming languages: Proficiency in languages such as PHP, Ruby, Python, Java, or .NET.
  2. Database management: Knowledge of database systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB, and the ability to design, create, and manage databases.
  3. Server configuration and management: Setting up and maintaining web servers (e.g., Apache, Nginx, or IIS).
  4. API design and development: Creating and maintaining APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that enable communication between different software systems.
  5. Security: Ensuring the security of web applications by implementing proper authentication, authorization, and data protection measures.
  6. Version control systems: Familiarity with tools like Git for tracking changes in source code and collaborating with other developers.

Full-stack developers possess a combination of front-end and back-end skills, allowing them to work on all aspects of a web project. They are in high demand due to their versatility and comprehensive understanding of the web development process.

What does it cost to hire a web developer?

The cost of hiring a web developer depends on various factors, such as their years of experience, skill set, location, and the specific requirements of your project. Entry-level developers typically have lower rates, while experienced developers with specialized skills and more years of experience command higher compensation. In the United States, the average annual salary for a web developer ranges from $50,000 to $100,000. Hourly rates for contract-based developers can range from $20 to $150 per hour or more, depending on their expertise. It's essential to research industry salary benchmarks and consider factors such as the cost of living, benefits, and potential for growth within your organization when determining compensation.

How do I hire a web developer?

To hire a web developer, follow these steps:

  1. Define your project requirements: Clearly outline your project's goals, desired features, and any specific technical skills needed.
  2. Post a job listing: Advertise your job posting on relevant job boards, online platforms, or social media channels. Provide a clear job description, outlining required skills, responsibilities, and expectations. Alternatively, you can post your job for free on Braintrust and get vetted candidates within 48 hours.
  3. Screen resumes and portfolios: Review applicants' resumes, focusing on their relevant skills, experience, and work samples. Assess their portfolio to determine if their web design style and technical abilities align with your project's needs.
  4. Conduct interviews: Interview shortlisted candidates to evaluate their problem-solving skills, communication abilities, and cultural fit. Consider technical interviews or coding tests to assess their proficiency in relevant technologies.
  5. Check references: Contact previous employers or colleagues to gain insight into the candidate's work style, performance, and reliability.
  6. Make an offer: Once you've identified a suitable candidate, present a competitive compensation package based on your research and negotiations.

Following these steps will help ensure you find the best web developers that fit your project’s needs.

When should I hire a web developer?

You should hire a web developer when you need to create, maintain, or enhance your online presence through websites, mobile apps, or web applications. Common situations include:

  • Launching a new website or web application for your business or organization.
  • Redesigning or updating an existing website to improve its aesthetics, user experience, or functionality.
  • Expanding your team to manage increased workloads, tackle specialized tasks, or bring new expertise to your organization.
  • Requiring ongoing maintenance, security, and performance optimization for your website or web application.
  • Hiring the right web developer at the right time can help ensure your online presence is professional, functional, and engaging, ultimately contributing to the success of your business or organization.

Why hire a freelance Web Developer?

Hiring a freelance web developer can be advantageous for businesses with specific, short-term projects or limited budgets. Outsourcing freelancers can provide specialized expertise for a particular task or project without the long-term commitment of a full-time employee. They often have diverse experience working on various projects, bringing a fresh perspective and innovative ideas to your project. Additionally, hiring freelancers can provide cost savings by avoiding expenses associated with hiring full-time employees, such as benefits, office space, and equipment.

What are the pros and cons of freelance Web Developers?


  • Cost-effective: Freelancers can be more budget-friendly than full-time employees, especially for short-term projects.
  • Flexibility: A freelance developer can be hired on a project-by-project basis, allowing you to scale your team as needed.
  • Specialized skills: Freelancers often have diverse experience and specialized skills, bringing unique expertise to your project.
  • Faster onboarding: Freelancers are accustomed to jumping into new projects quickly and require minimal onboarding.


  • Availability: Freelancers may have multiple clients, which could impact their availability and response times.
  • Commitment: Freelancers might not have the same level of long-term commitment and investment in your business as full-time employees.
  • Communication: Working remotely with freelancers can sometimes lead to communication challenges or time zone differences.
  • Intellectual property: Ensure that contracts with freelancers include clear terms regarding ownership of intellectual property.

How long should it take a Web Developer to build a website?

The time it takes a web developer to build a website depends on several factors, including the project's complexity, features, design requirements, and the developer's experience. A simple website with a few pages and basic functionality might take a few days to a couple of weeks to complete. In contrast, a complex website with custom features, e-commerce capabilities, or extensive content may take several weeks to months. To ensure a smooth development process, establish a clear project timeline, set milestones, and maintain open communication with your web developer throughout the project.

Do Web Developers work 40 hours a week?

Web developers' working hours can vary depending on their employment type and specific project demands. Full-time web developers typically work 40 hours a week or more, depending on their workload and deadlines. Freelance web developers may have more flexibility in setting their working hours, balancing multiple projects, and accommodating personal schedules. However, they may also work irregular hours or more than 40 hours a week to meet client deadlines or manage their workload effectively. Ultimately, the number of hours a web developer works per week depends on their individual circumstances and the requirements of their projects or employer.

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