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How to hire top UX Researchers at Braintrust


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How to hire Top UX Researchers


Hiring a UX Researcher (user experience researcher) involves several key factors to ensure you find a candidate that fits your company's specific needs. The size of your company and the type of employment arrangement you're considering can significantly influence your hiring process.

At a startup, a UX researcher might wear many hats, potentially working on various aspects of the user experience, from research to design. They would need to be adaptable, resourceful, and comfortable with ambiguity. Given the iterative nature and rapid pace of startups, a researcher who can quickly conduct lean research and deliver actionable insights would be valuable. On the other hand, in a larger company, a UX researcher would likely have a more specialized role, focusing more on conducting in-depth research studies. Here, the ability to collaborate with different teams, communicate insights effectively to a larger audience, and align with established design processes and design thinking processes would be essential.

When it comes to employment arrangements, full-time UX researchers are typically integrated into the company's UX team and work on a variety of research projects over time. This allows for a deeper understanding of the company's products and users, and it fosters stronger collaboration with other team members. A full-time researcher can also help instill a culture of user-centered design within the organization.

Conversely, hiring a UX researcher on an hourly or contract basis might be suitable if you have a specific project or short-term need. Contract researchers can bring a fresh perspective and specialized expertise, but they might not have the same level of investment in your product or familiarity with your users as a full-time researchers. It's important to ensure clear communication about goals, expectations, and timelines when working with contract researchers.

When evaluating candidates, focus on their relevant experience, understanding of UX principles, technical skill sets, and communication abilities. Look for evidence of collaboration and teamwork, strong problem-solving skills, empathy, and user-centricity. Assess their portfolio to understand their research process and impact on previous projects.

Finally, it's crucial to consider the cultural fit. Regardless of your company's size or the employment arrangement, you want a researcher who aligns with your company's values and can contribute positively to your team's dynamics and your organization's overall mission. Hiring the right UX researcher is about finding the balance between skills, experience, and fit for your unique context.

Relevant Experience

The value of direct experience in UX research cannot be overstated. A candidate should have experience in various phases of UX research, such as planning research studies, recruiting and screening participants, conducting studies, and analyzing and reporting findings. They should also be adept at using both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Quantitative methods include A/B testing, web analytics, and surveys, while qualitative methods include usability testing, interviews, and ethnographic observation. Moreover, they should have hands-on experience in both generative (exploratory) and evaluative research. Generative research helps in identifying new opportunities and understanding user needs, while evaluative research assesses the performance and usability of a product or design.

Understanding of UX Principles

A deep understanding of user experience principles is essential for a UX researcher. They should be familiar with the principles of human-computer interaction, cognitive psychology, and behavioral science as these are critical for understanding user behavior. They should also have an understanding of accessibility and inclusive design principles to ensure that products and services are usable and accessible to as many people as possible. Furthermore, they should be able to demonstrate their knowledge of various UX frameworks and models such as the Nielsen’s Heuristic Evaluation, user journey maps, and persona development.

Technical Skills

There are various technical skills that a UX researcher must possess. These include proficiency in using UX research tools like UserTesting, Lookback, Dovetail, and usability hub, and software such as Sketch, Figma, and InVision for creating wireframes and prototypes. They should also be familiar with tools like Excel and SPSS for data analysis, and software like Tableau for data visualization. A strong foundation in statistics is critical for analyzing and interpreting quantitative data. Furthermore, knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can be beneficial for understanding the technical constraints and opportunities that can impact the user experience.

Communication Skills

Communication is crucial in UX research. Not only must a UX researcher be able to effectively interact with study participants to gather insights, but they must also communicate their findings to various stakeholders in a clear, concise, and compelling manner. They should be adept at writing research plans and reports, presenting findings, and using storytelling techniques to convey the user's experience. They should be able to adapt their communication style to different audiences, ensuring that designers, product managers, developers, and executives alike can understand and act on their insights. Additionally, they should have strong facilitation skills for leading workshops and meetings, and negotiation skills for advocating for user needs.

Collaboration and Teamwork

A UX researcher must be a team player. UX research isn't conducted in isolation; it's a collaborative process that often requires input and cooperation from designers, developers, product managers, marketers, and other stakeholders. Therefore, a UX researcher should demonstrate the ability to effectively collaborate within a cross-functional team. They should be comfortable sharing their research process, asking for feedback, and incorporating diverse perspectives into their work. Additionally, they should demonstrate leadership skills in guiding teams to focus on user needs and incorporating research findings into the product development process. The use of collaborative tools like Slack, Teams, or Asana for team communication and project management, and Miro or Mural for collaborative brainstorming sessions could be required.

Problem-Solving Skills

One of the primary roles of a UX researcher is to identify problems and figure out solutions. This involves an analytical mindset to interpret data, recognize patterns, and draw meaningful insights. Problem-solving skills also entail a deep understanding of how research methods can be used to answer specific questions and inform design decisions. Moreover, researchers should possess a strategic mindset, enabling them to align their research with broader business goals and to demonstrate the value of their work in achieving these goals. Knowledge of business tools like SWOT analysis, OKRs (Objectives and Key Results), and roadmapping can be beneficial.

Empathy and User-Centricity

Empathy is at the heart of UX research. Researchers must be able to put themselves in the users' shoes to understand their needs, desires, and pain points. This requires active listening skills, patience, and openness to different perspectives. They should also demonstrate a commitment to user-centric design, advocating for the user throughout the product development process. A user-centric researcher ensures that the user's voice is heard and that user insights inform product decisions. Tools like empathy maps can help in understanding users' emotional experiences and aligning the team around user needs.


A strong portfolio is crucial for a UX researcher. It should not only showcase their past work but also provide a clear and detailed explanation of their research process. This includes defining the research objectives, the methods used, the results obtained, and how these results informed design and product decisions. The portfolio should also demonstrate their ability to work on a variety of projects and case studies and their adaptability to different contexts and challenges. It should be presented in a well-organized and visually appealing manner, highlighting their communication and storytelling skills. Having a digital portfolio that's easy to navigate and share can be beneficial.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to hire a UX Researcher?

The cost of hiring a UX Researcher depends on several factors, including their level of experience, the complexity of the work, geographical location, and whether they are being hired as a full-time employee or on a contract basis. As of 2021, the average annual salary for a UX Researcher in the United States can range from $85,000 to over $130,000. However, salaries can be much higher in tech hubs or at larger companies. Besides the salary, other costs associated with hiring a full-time employee include benefits, taxes, and training costs. Contract or freelance UX researchers might charge per hour or per project, and rates can vary widely.

Where can I hire a UX Researcher?

UX Researchers can be found in a variety of places. Online job boards like Braintrust are common places to post job openings. Specialized job boards for UX professionals, such as Braintrust's UX Talent Network can also be useful. Networking events or UX-focused groups and communities can be great for finding potential candidates. You can also hire through freelance platforms like Braintrust or contract or project-based work.

How do I recruit a UX Researcher?

Recruiting a UX Researcher involves defining the role and responsibilities clearly, then advertising the position on relevant platforms. The job description should cover key aspects such as required skills, knowledge of UX principles and research methods, experience with specific tools, and communication and collaboration skills. A well-defined job description will attract the right candidates. After attracting potential candidates, the selection process often includes reviewing resumes and portfolios, conducting interviews, and possibly giving assignment tasks related to UX research. It's important to assess both the candidate's technical skills and their fit with your company culture before onboarding.

How much does a UX Researcher charge per hour?

The hourly rate of a UX Researcher can vary significantly depending on their years of experience, the complexity of the work, and their geographical location. UX Researchers in the United States might charge anywhere from $50 to over $150 per hour for contract or freelance work. Please note that these are ballpark figures and actual rates could be different. It's always recommended to research current market rates in your specific area for the most accurate information.

What is the role of a UX researcher?

A UX (User Experience) researcher plays a crucial role in understanding the needs, behaviors, experiences, and motivations of users. They use a variety of qualitative and quantitative methodologies to gather insights, such as interviews, surveys, usability testing, and data analysis. These insights are then used to inform and guide product design, visual design, and service design, and graphic design, and software development decisions. By focusing on the user's perspective, UX researchers help to create products that are user-friendly, intuitive, and meet the user's needs. In addition, UX researchers often act as the voice of the user within the company, advocating for user needs and ensuring they are considered throughout the product development process.

Is UX research a tech job?

A UX research job can certainly be considered a tech job, as it's a role frequently found in tech companies, particularly those focused on product design and development. UX researchers play a key role in improving the usability and overall user experience of digital products, like websites and apps. However, the principles and methods used in User research can be applied to a wide range of industries and contexts, such as information architecture, UI design (user interface design), interaction design, not just tech. Any industry that involves the design of products or services for users could potentially benefit from UX research.

Can a UX researcher work from home?

Yes, hiring a user experience researcher to work from home is possible. With the rise of remote work, especially catalyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies are offering more flexible working arrangements. UX research tasks such as planning studies, analyzing data, and reporting findings can be done from anywhere. Even user interviews, usability tests, and surveys can be conducted remotely using various tools and platforms. Working remotely might require some adjustments, such as finding ways to collaborate effectively with the research team, development team, or product team and adapting research methods to the remote context. However, it is completely feasible for UX researchers to work from home, provided they have access to the necessary tools and technology.

What is the difference between UX researcher and data analyst?

Both UX researchers and data analysts work with data, but their focus and methods can differ. A UX researcher is concerned with understanding the user's experience, behavior, and needs. They use a combination of qualitative methods (like interviews, usability testing, and observational studies) and quantitative methods (like surveys and A/B testing) to generate insights that can inform design decisions. Their work is often interpretive and contextual, seeking to understand why users behave as they do. On the other hand, a data analyst primarily works with quantitative data. They use statistical methods to collect, analyze, and interpret large datasets to help the business make informed decisions. Their work often involves identifying patterns, trends, and insights in data sets and creating data visualizations and reports. While a data analyst can provide valuable insights, they might not focus on the user experience in the same way a UX researcher does.

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