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How to hire top iOS Developers at Braintrust


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Alex Kovalyshyn

Alex Kovalyshyn

Mobile Developer
Seattle, WA
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  • JavaScript

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Ana Leticia Camargos

Ana Leticia Camargos

iOS Engineer
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
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Kayla Mudny

Sr. Mobile Engineer
Kingston, TN
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How to hire Top iOS Developers


Hiring an iOS developer involves a thorough evaluation of candidates to ensure that they possess the right skills, experience, and cultural fit for your organization. iOS developers are responsible for application development, testing, and maintaining applications for Apple's mobile devices, including iPhones and iPads. They work with Apple-specific tools, technologies, and frameworks, and adhere to Apple's Human Interface Guidelines to create high-quality, user-friendly apps.
One key difference between iPhone app developers and other mobile app developers, such as Android developers, is the platform they specialize in. iOS developers focus on Apple's ecosystem and app store, using programming languages like Swift and Objective-C, and frameworks such as UIKit and SwiftUI. In contrast, Android developers specialize in building apps for Android devices, using languages like Java and Kotlin, and working with Android-specific frameworks and tools. While some developers may have experience in both iOS and Android development, often referred to as cross-platform developers, it is crucial to assess their expertise in the specific platform your project requires.

When hiring an iOS developer, it is also essential to consider the type of organization they will be working in. The expectations and work environment may differ significantly between a startup and a larger company. In a startup, developers often wear multiple hats, working on various aspects of the product, from design to deployment. They may need to adapt quickly to changing priorities and be comfortable with a fast-paced, dynamic work environment. On the other hand, larger companies may have more structured roles, well-defined processes, and specialized development teams, requiring developers to work within a specific scope and collaborate with multiple stakeholders.
Another important factor to consider is the employment type, such as full-time versus hourly or contract work. Full-time employees typically work on a fixed salary, providing a sense of stability and long-term commitment to the organization. They may also receive additional benefits, such as health insurance and paid time off. Freelance iOS developers, on the other hand, are paid based on the hours they work or the completion of specific projects. This arrangement can offer more flexibility and cost savings for organizations, especially for short-term projects or during periods of fluctuating workloads. However, it is crucial to weigh the pros and cons of each employment type based on your organization's needs and budget.

To successfully hire an iOS developer, it is essential to have a clear understanding of your project requirements, the skills and experience needed, and the cultural fit for your organization. This includes evaluating candidates based on their technical expertise in Swift and Objective-C, familiarity with iOS frameworks and libraries, app architecture knowledge, experience with third-party libraries and APIs, UI/UX design skills, version control proficiency, problem-solving and debugging abilities, and communication and teamwork skills.

Hiring an iOS developer involves a comprehensive assessment of candidates' technical skills, experience, and cultural fit. Factors such as the differences between iOS and other mobile app developers, working at a startup versus a larger company, and choosing between full-time and hourly employment should also be considered to ensure that you find the right developer for your organization and project needs.

Proficiency in Swift and Objective-C

Swift is a powerful, modern programming language designed specifically for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS app development. It is known for its safety, performance, and expressiveness. Objective-C, on the other hand, is an older programming language that has been used for iOS application development since its inception. Although Swift is becoming the primary language for app development on Apple platforms and operating systems, knowledge of Objective-C is still beneficial, as many existing apps and libraries are written in it.

Depending on the years of experience, an iOS programmer should be proficient in both languages, understanding their syntax, conventions, and unique features. Proficiency in Swift and Objective-C allows a developer to work with both new and legacy code, ensuring that they can handle a wide range of mobile application development tasks.

Understanding of iOS frameworks and libraries

iOS frameworks and libraries are pre-built components that provide essential functionality and make app development more efficient. Hiring a development company with a solid skill set in iOS frameworks is essential for a successful development project. Some of the most important frameworks and libraries for iOS development include:

  • UIKit: The primary framework for creating user interfaces, managing navigation, and handling user input on iOS.
  • Core Data: A powerful framework for managing an app's data model, including object persistence, versioning, and migration.
  • Core Animation: A framework for creating smooth, high-performance animations and transitions in an app.
  • Core Graphics: A library for drawing 2D graphics, including images, text, and vector shapes, and for processing image data.
  • AVFoundation: A framework for working with audio and video, including recording, playback, and editing.

An experienced iOS developer or iOS engineer should be familiar with these and other essential frameworks, understanding how to use them effectively to build high-quality apps. When searching for iOS developers for hire, vetting their knowledge of these frameworks is crucial.

App architecture knowledge

App architecture refers to the organization of code and components in an app, which has a significant impact on its maintainability, scalability, and testability. There are several common architecture patterns used in iOS app development:

  • Model-View-Controller (MVC): A widely used pattern where the app is divided into three main components: the model (data), the view (user interface), and the controller (logic). This separation of concerns makes the app easier to understand and maintain.
  • Model-View-Presenter (MVP): A variation of MVC that introduces a presenter, which mediates between the view and the model, improving testability.
  • Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM): A pattern that further decouples the view and the model, allowing for better separation of concerns and easier testing.
  • View-Interactor-Presenter-Entity-Router (VIPER): A more complex architecture pattern that emphasizes modularity and clear boundaries between components, making it suitable for large-scale apps with many features.

A skilled iOS developer should be familiar with these patterns, understand their benefits and trade-offs, and know when to apply them in different situations. For instance, a full-stack developer or a senior iOS developer should be proficient in multiple architecture patterns.

Experience with third-party libraries and APIs

Third-party libraries and APIs can save time and effort by providing ready-made solutions to common problems, such as networking, image processing, and authentication. Integrating these libraries and APIs requires an understanding of their documentation, as well as how to adapt them to the specific requirements of the app.

  • Some popular third-party libraries and APIs for iOS development include:
  • Alamofire: A networking library for making HTTP requests and handling responses.
  • Realm: A fast and easy-to-use alternative to Core Data for data persistence.
  • SwiftyJSON: A library for working with JSON data in a more Swift-friendly way.
  • Firebase: A suite of tools and services for app development, including analytics, crash reporting, and real-time databases.

An experienced iOS developer should be comfortable evaluating and integrating third-party libraries and APIs, ensuring that they meet the app's requirements and adhere to best practices for security and performance. This know-how is essential when hiring remote iOS developers or considering development services from a development company in the USA or any other time zone.

UI/UX design skills

UI/UX design is an essential aspect of iOS development, as it directly impacts user satisfaction and engagement. The best iOS developers should have a strong understanding of user experience design principles, be able to create user interfaces that are both visually appealing and functional, and adhere to Apple's Human Interface Guidelines (HIG). The HIG provide a comprehensive set of recommendations for designing intuitive and consistent apps that follow best practices and blend seamlessly with the iOS ecosystem.

  • Technical skills and tools required for UI/UX design in iOS development include:
  • Interface Builder: A visual design tool integrated into Xcode, used for creating and editing interface elements, setting up Auto Layout constraints, and defining navigation flows.
  • Auto Layout: A system that allows developers to create flexible and adaptive UIs that work well on different screen sizes and orientations.
  • Storyboards: A visual representation of the app's screens and navigation flow, used for designing and prototyping the user interface.
  • UIKit and SwiftUI: Frameworks for building and managing user interfaces, with UIKit being the older and more established framework, and SwiftUI offering a more modern, declarative approach to UI development.

When looking to hire iOS app developers or hire iPhone app developers, it is important to consider their UI/UX design skills, as this will greatly impact the overall quality of the app.

Knowledge of version control

Version control systems are essential for managing code changes, collaborating with other team members, and keeping a clean and organized codebase. Git is the most widely used version control system and is particularly important for iOS developers.

An iOS developer should be proficient in Git, including:

  • Basic Git commands: Commit, push, pull, branch, merge, and others.
  • Branching and merging strategies: Understanding different workflows and strategies for maintaining a clean and organized repository, such as GitFlow or Feature Branching.
  • Conflict resolution: Knowing how to handle merge conflicts and resolve them effectively.
  • Integration with Xcode: Familiarity with the built-in Git features in Xcode for source control management.

Problem-solving and debugging skills

An excellent iOS developer should have strong problem-solving skills, allowing them to identify and resolve issues quickly and efficiently. Debugging is a crucial aspect of problem-solving in software development, and iOS developers should be proficient in using various debugging tools and techniques.

Key debugging skills and tools for iOS development include:

  • Xcode debugger: A powerful tool integrated into Xcode that allows developers to set breakpoints, step through code execution, inspect variables, and evaluate expressions.
  • Instruments: A performance analysis and testing tool for iOS apps, used to identify and resolve performance issues, memory leaks, and other bottlenecks.
  • Logging and crash reports: Understanding how to use NSLog and OSLog for logging, as well as interpreting crash reports to identify and fix issues.
  • Unit and UI testing: Familiarity with XCTest and XCUITest frameworks for writing and executing unit and UI tests, helping to identify and resolve issues early in the development process.

When considering freelance developers or part-time developers, it is essential to assess their problem-solving and debugging skills. Additionally, it's important to establish a clear hiring process and consider factors such as their expertise in various programming languages (e.g., PHP, JavaScript, Python, and React Native), understanding of RESTful APIs, and knowledge of algorithms. The in-house team should be well-versed in the necessary skills to ensure a successful and efficient collaboration with iOS developers for hire.

Communication and teamwork

Effective communication and teamwork are critical for ensuring smooth collaboration and timely delivery of projects. An iOS developer should be able to work effectively with other team members, including designers, project managers, and other developers. Strong communication and teamwork skills also help create a positive work environment, which can lead to higher productivity and better overall results.

Key communication and teamwork skills for iOS developers include:

  1. Clear and concise communication: Being able to explain complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders is an invaluable skill for iOS developers. They should be able to discuss and negotiate requirements and expectations with clients, as well as present their work effectively during meetings or demos. This may involve creating documentation, visual aids, or presenting code samples to illustrate their points.
  2. Active listening: Paying attention to feedback and input from team members, and being open to new ideas and perspectives, are crucial aspects of good teamwork. An iOS developer should be receptive to constructive criticism, ask questions for clarification, and consider alternative solutions when appropriate.
  3. Collaboration tools: Familiarity with tools like Slack, Trello, Jira, or Asana for managing tasks, sharing progress updates, and collaborating with team members is important for effective teamwork. These tools can help keep the team organized and ensure that everyone is on the same page, making it easier to coordinate work and meet deadlines.
  4. Agile methodologies: Understanding Agile principles and practices, such as Scrum or Kanban, is essential for iOS developers working in a team environment. Agile methodologies emphasize collaboration, adaptability, and iterative development, with a focus on delivering working software in small increments. Developers should be comfortable participating in Agile ceremonies like daily stand-ups, sprint planning, and retrospectives, as well as adapting to changes in requirements or priorities.
  5. Empathy and emotional intelligence: A successful iOS developer should be able to understand and respond to the needs and emotions of their team members. This includes being supportive, patient, and respectful, as well as managing conflicts effectively and fostering a positive work environment. Emotional intelligence is particularly important when working in diverse teams with different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to hire an iOS app developer?

The cost of hiring an iOS app developer can vary depending on factors such as the developer's experience, location, and the complexity of the project. In the United States, the average salary for an iOS developer ranges from $80,000 to $120,000 per year. For freelance or contract developers, hourly rates can range from $50 to $150 or more. It's important to consider the scope of your project and the skills required to find a developer that fits your budget and meets your needs.

Where can I hire an iOS developer?

You can hire iOS developers through various channels, including job boards, freelance platforms, social media, and professional networking sites. You can post your job on Braintrust for free and get matched with vetted iOS app developers in 48 hours. Networking events, conferences, and local meetups can also be valuable resources for finding and connecting with iOS developers.

How do I hire an iOS app developer?

To hire an iOS app developer, start by defining your project requirements, including the necessary skills, experience, and the project's scope. Create a clear and concise job description that highlights these requirements, and post it on relevant job boards, freelance platforms, or social media. Review applicants' resumes and portfolios to assess their skills and previous work. Conduct interviews to evaluate their technical expertise, problem-solving abilities, communication skills, and cultural fit. Additionally, consider giving candidates a coding test or small project to gauge their proficiency and working style.

How much do freelance iOS developers charge?

Freelance iOS developers' rates can vary depending on their experience, location, and the project's complexity. In general, hourly rates can range from $50 to $150 or more. It's essential to consider the developer's expertise, their portfolio, and any client reviews or testimonials when evaluating their rates. Keep in mind that the cheapest option may not always be the best choice, as the quality of work and overall efficiency can impact your project's success and long-term costs.

How much is it to put an iOS app on the App Store?

To submit an iOS app to the App Store, you need to enroll in the Apple Developer Program, which has an annual membership fee of $99 for individuals and organizations. This fee allows you to submit and distribute apps on the App Store, as well as access developer resources and tools. Note that this cost does not include the development, design, and maintenance expenses associated with creating the app itself.

How long does it take to develop an iOS app?

The development time for an iOS app depends on factors such as the app's complexity, the developer's experience, and the project's requirements. A simple app with basic features may take a few weeks to a couple of months to develop, while more complex apps with custom features, integrations, and advanced UI/UX design can take several months to over a year. Planning, design, testing, and iteration stages also contribute to the overall development timeline.

What is the average price for an iOS app?

The average price for an iOS app varies depending on the complexity, features, and the developer's rates. A simple app with basic functionality may cost between $10,000 to $50,000, while more complex apps with custom features, advanced design, and integrations can range from $50,000 to $250,000 or more. These costs include planning, design, development, testing, and maintenance. It's crucial to consider the project's scope and required resources when estimating the overall cost.

Is it cheaper to develop an iOS or Android app?

The cost difference between developing an iOS and Android app often depends on the specific project requirements and the development approach. Generally, the costs for developing apps on both platforms can be quite similar. However, there are some factors to consider:

  • Development complexity: Android development may require more time and effort due to the need to support a wide variety of devices, screen sizes, and OS versions, which can potentially increase the cost. On the other hand, iOS development typically involves a more limited range of devices, which can simplify the process and reduce costs.
  • Developer rates: The rates for iOS and Android developers can vary depending on their location and experience. In some regions, iOS developers may command higher rates, while in others, Android developers might be more expensive. It's essential to research local market rates to better understand the cost implications.
  • Time to market: Since iOS devices have a more standardized hardware and software ecosystem, the development, testing, and deployment process may be more streamlined, potentially reducing the overall cost. However, this can depend on the specific project and development team.

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