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How to hire top DevOps Engineers at Braintrust


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Dan Turner

Dan Turner

Fullstack Engineer
Essex, VT, USA
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Matthew Prast

Matthew Prast

Sr. Software Engineer
San Francisco, CA, USA
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Saqib Yawar

Sr. DevOps Engineer
Ottawa, CA
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How to hire Top DevOps Engineers


Hiring a DevOps engineer involves identifying a candidate who possesses a unique combination of technical acumen, problem-solving prowess, and communication skills, whether you're at a startup or a larger corporation. DevOps engineers serve as the bridge between software development and operations, ensuring seamless integration and delivery.

In a startup, the DevOps engineer often wears many hats due to lean teams and rapidly evolving requirements. They may need to be more hands-on, addressing immediate needs such as setting up CI/CD pipelines, managing cloud deployments, and configuring monitoring systems. They'll need to be adaptable, flexible, and able to quickly grasp new technologies or tools. In contrast, a DevOps engineer at a larger company might have more specialized roles within a bigger team, focusing on particular areas of the DevOps lifecycle. These can include scaling infrastructure, optimizing deployment processes, or enhancing security practices across multiple teams or projects.

When deciding between hiring an experienced DevOps engineer or a DevOps team full-time, whether on a full-time or hourly basis, you should consider the nature of the work, your business needs, and the resources of your company. Full-time DevOps engineers might be necessary for businesses with continuous development cycles and complex infrastructure needs, as they can provide steady support, and are generally more invested in long-term company goals. However, hiring a DevOps engineer on an hourly basis or contract might be a viable option for smaller projects or organizations with limited resources. Hourly or contract workers can provide flexibility, allowing companies to scale up or down based on project needs.

Regardless of the company size or the nature of employment, DevOps engineers should have the proper certifications and a robust set of skills. They should be adept with scripting languages, CI/CD tools, cloud platforms, and infrastructure as code tools. A deep understanding of DevOps principles like CI/CD, monitoring, and incident response is crucial. They should have strong problem-solving skills and an ability to work effectively with diverse teams. Additionally, they need to be flexible and adaptable, staying abreast of rapidly evolving DevOps tools and practices.

DevOps engineers should also have a strong security mindset, integrating security principles throughout the DevOps lifecycle, and have a basic understanding of project management principles and workflow. They should likewise know how to implement continuous delivery practices that ensure new features, bug fixes, and improvements are consistently delivered to production environments in a rapid and reliable manner. When going through the hiring process, look for evidence of these skills and experiences through their past projects, contributions, and references. Also, consider their cultural fit - their ability to collaborate, communicate effectively, and their willingness to learn and adapt in line with your company's values and objectives. The right DevOps engineer can significantly enhance your team's efficiency, product quality, and delivery speed.

Technical Skills

Mastery of specific technical skills is a foundational requirement for a DevOps engineer. They should have comprehensive knowledge of scripting languages such as Python, Ruby, or Shell, which are necessary for automating repetitive tasks and weaving together different components of the IT infrastructure, including Linux systems. Familiarity with version control systems like Git or GitLab is crucial for effective collaboration and managing codebase changes throughout the development process. DevOps engineers should also be proficient in continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) open-source tools such as Jenkins, Bamboo, CircleCI, or Travis CI to automate the testing and deployment of code changes. Furthermore, they need to be adept with infrastructure as code (IaC) tools like Terraform and Ansible, allowing them to programmatically manage and provision technological stacks. Lastly, understanding containerization (Docker) and orchestration tools (Kubernetes) is vital as these technologies streamline the deployment and management of applications in varied environments.

Understanding of DevOps Principles

Beyond tool proficiency, a robust understanding of DevOps principles and culture is crucial for a DevOps engineer. These principles bridge the traditional gap between software engineering or development and operations, fostering collaboration, efficiency, and rapid delivery of software products. A key tenet is Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), a methodology for frequent code changes, automated testing, and seamless deployments, enabling swift response to market changes and improved product quality. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is another vital principle, allowing engineers to define and manage infrastructure resources in a version-controlled, reproducible manner, enhancing speed and minimizing human error. Also, concepts like monitoring, logging, and incident response are fundamental for maintaining system stability, performance, and swift recovery from issues. A deep understanding of these principles indicates an engineer's ability to leverage DevOps practices effectively.

Experience with Cloud Platforms

Cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, and Azure are foundational to modern DevOps, enabling scalable, flexible, and cost-efficient operations. Therefore, DevOps engineers should be comfortable using these platforms. They should be familiar with fundamental services like EC2 for compute resources, S3 for storage, or RDS for database services in AWS, or their equivalents in other cloud providers. Understanding platform-specific DevOps tools such as AWS CloudFormation, Google Cloud Deployment Manager, or Azure DevOps is also essential. Familiarity with managing and optimizing cloud resources, cloud security, and cost management is also crucial. As cloud architectures can vary widely (public, private, hybrid), experience in diverse cloud settings can be a valuable asset in the cloud infrastructure.

Problem-Solving Skills

DevOps engineers often act as a bridge between development and operations teams, frequently confronted with complex technical problems that require a comprehensive understanding of the system architecture. They need strong problem-solving skills to analyze issues holistically, identify root causes, and implement effective solutions. This requires a deep understanding of systems engineering and network fundamentals, such as network protocols, DNS, load balancing, and others. They also need to be adept at debugging tools and practices across various parts of the stack, from infrastructure and network issues to application and database problems. The ability to apply these skills under pressure is vital as downtime can have significant business impact.

Collaboration and Communication

DevOps is all about breaking down silos and fostering a collaborative culture between the development and operations teams. Strong communication skills are thus essential for a DevOps engineer. They often act as an intermediary between different teams, translating technical issues and requirements into understandable language for non-technical stakeholders and vice versa. Familiarity with collaboration tools like Jira, Trello, or Slack can help manage tasks, share information, and keep all in-house team members updated. They should be capable of building and nurturing a collaborative culture that encourages shared responsibility, continuous learning, and mutual respect. In addition, they should also be familiar with Agile methodologies, as DevOps principles complement Agile's focus on iterative development and customer-centric delivery.

Flexibility and Adaptability

In the rapidly evolving field of DevOps, being adaptable and open to learning new technologies is crucial. This goes beyond merely keeping up with the latest tools or platforms; it includes understanding how these new technologies can improve efficiency, stability, and delivery speed. DevOps engineers should be comfortable with continuous learning and be willing to reassess and update the existing toolchains and practices regularly. They should also have the skills to provide training and support to other team members in adopting these new technologies, ensuring a smooth transition and continual improvement in the team's capabilities.

Security Mindset

A good DevOps engineer should have a solid understanding of security principles and how to incorporate them into the DevOps lifecycle – often referred to as DevSecOps. They should be familiar with secure coding practices, vulnerability scanning, and penetration testing tools. Additionally, they should have experience with security-focused tools like intrusion detection systems (IDS), firewalls, and secure configuration management tools. Understanding regulatory requirements and compliance (like GDPR, PCI DSS, HIPAA) is also crucial for industries dealing with sensitive information. Their mindset should always factor in the potential security implications of any decision, keeping the system safe from threats while ensuring efficient operations.

Project Management Skills

While not strictly project managers, DevOps engineers often play a role in project execution, requiring them to understand project management principles. These skills can include planning, risk assessment, resource management, and ensuring alignment with business goals. Familiarity with project management tools like Microsoft Project, Asana, or Basecamp can be beneficial. They also need to understand concepts like lean principles, value stream mapping, and bottleneck analysis to optimize the flow of work. In agile environments, understanding and experience with Scrum or Kanban methodologies could be beneficial. These skills enable them to contribute significantly to getting projects across the finish line, ensuring they are delivered on time and meet the set objectives.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to hire a DevOps Engineer?

The cost of hiring a DevOps engineer varies widely based on factors such as their experience, the complexity of your project, your geographical location, and the current market demand. The average salary for a DevOps engineer in the United States is around $110,000 - $150,000 per year. However, these figures may have changed since then, and they can be significantly higher in areas with high costs of living or for highly experienced engineers. Besides the salary, other costs can include recruitment expenses, benefits, taxes, and potentially training and equipment costs.

Where can I hire a DevOps Engineer?

You can hire DevOps engineers through various channels. Traditional outsourcing methods include job postings on company websites and job boards such as LinkedIn, Indeed, or Glassdoor. Specialized tech job boards like Dice or AngelList can also be useful. Recruitment agencies specializing in tech jobs can also help find suitable candidates. For freelance or contract-based roles, platforms like Braintrust, a service that lets you post a job for free, can be good resources. Finally, networking in relevant industry groups or at technology conferences can also lead to promising candidates.

How do I recruit a DevOps Engineer?

Recruiting a DevOps engineer involves defining the role and requirements clearly in the job description, including the technical skills, years of experience, and soft skills needed. Once you have a clear job description, advertise the role through the channels mentioned above. During the interview process, technical questions and problem-solving scenarios can assess their technical skills, while situational and behavioral questions can help gauge their soft skills and cultural fit. Given the multidisciplinary nature of DevOps, it can also be beneficial to involve team members from different areas (e.g., development team, operations, security) in the DevOps hiring interview process. Using these strategies will help you to find the best DevOps engineer.

How much does a DevOps Engineer charge per hour?

The hourly rate for a DevOps engineer can vary greatly depending on their experience, expertise, the complexity of the project, and geographical location. In the U.S. a good DevOps engineer can charge anywhere from $60 to over $200 per hour. Rates are typically higher for more experienced engineers or for specialized or high-demand skills. Keep in mind that freelancers may also adjust their rates based on the length and stability of a contract, and whether they're being asked to take on particularly challenging or urgent work.

Is DevOps engineer coding?

Yes, coding is a crucial part of a DevOps engineer's job. They write scripts and use programming languages for automation purposes, which is a core aspect of the DevOps approach. Automation scripts can be written for creating servers, deploying applications, managing system configurations, and monitoring network and system performance. Languages frequently used by DevOps engineers include Python, Ruby, Perl, Bash, and Java, among others. Understanding code is also vital for creating and managing CI/CD pipelines and supporting developers in troubleshooting software issues.

Is DevOps engineer an IT job?

Yes, a DevOps engineer role is considered an IT job. It is a critical role in the IT organization, focusing on the delivery and maintenance of software systems. DevOps engineers work to bridge the gap between development and operations within an IT team, facilitating collaboration, streamlining processes, and maintaining system infrastructure. Their work involves various aspects of IT, including coding, scripting, cloud computing, database management, network configuration, system administration, and IT security.

Does DevOps need coding?

Coding is a key skill for DevOps, but it's not all about writing new application code. A significant portion of a DevOps engineer's coding work involves writing scripts for automation to make processes more efficient and reliable. For example, they might write code to automate server setup, deploy software, or monitor system performance. DevOps engineers also need to understand existing code to help troubleshoot and improve software applications, and to create and manage CI/CD pipelines. So, while DevOps doesn't necessarily involve traditional application development, it does require strong coding skills.

Is DevOps a good career?

Absolutely, DevOps can be a rewarding and lucrative career. The demand for DevOps engineers is high and continues to grow as more organizations recognize the benefits of a DevOps approach – faster, more reliable software releases, improved communication and collaboration, and more effective problem-solving. This demand translates into strong job prospects and competitive salaries for DevOps professionals. Moreover, working in DevOps offers the opportunity to continually learn and adapt as technology evolves, making it a dynamic and engaging field. However, it's also a challenging role that requires a blend of technical skills, communication skills, and a deep understanding of both software development and IT operations.

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