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How to hire top Content Marketers at Braintrust


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How to hire Top Content Marketers


Hiring a top Content Marketer involves several key considerations, including evaluating their technical proficiency, relevant experience, problem-solving abilities, understanding of content strategy and creation, proficiency in SEO and analytics, experience with social media platforms, the ability to stay updated with rapid changes in the field, and strong communication and teamwork skills. The context of your organization – whether a startup or a large company – could shape the hiring process and the specific traits you look for in a Content Marketer. In a startup, the Content Marketer might need to wear many hats, dealing with tasks ranging from content creation to social media management. They might also need to be more innovative and comfortable with risk, given that startups often operate in new areas and face significant uncertainty. On the other hand, in a larger company, the role of a Content Marketer might be more specialized, focusing on a specific aspect of the content marketing workflow. They would also need to navigate and conform to more complex organizational structures and procedures. The decision between hiring full-time or on an hourly basis depends on your organization's needs. A full-time Content Marketer could provide stability and a consistent focus on your company's content marketing projects, and they might be more invested in the organization's long-term success. However, this comes with higher costs, including benefits and overheads, and it might require a longer-term commitment to certain projects or technologies. Conversely, hiring a Content Marketer on an hourly basis could provide more flexibility, allowing you to scale up or down based on project needs, and it might be more cost-effective if you only need content marketing expertise for a specific project or a limited period. However, hourly Content Marketers might be juggling multiple clients or projects, which could impact their availability and focus. It might also be more challenging to build long-term capabilities or retain knowledge within your organization. When hiring a Content Marketer, consider not only their technical skills and experience but also their fit with your organization's culture and values. Look for candidates who demonstrate creativity, adaptability, and a passion for storytelling, given the rapidly evolving nature of content marketing. Finally, remember that successful content marketing projects often involve interdisciplinary teams and diverse skills, so consider how the Content Marketer will fit with the rest of your team and how they can complement existing skills and capabilities.

Technical Expertise

When hiring a Content Marketer, it is crucial to find a candidate with strong technical expertise. This is because content marketing involves a wide range of technical skills, including SEO, analytics, and content management systems. A candidate with strong technical expertise will be able to create and optimize content that is both engaging and effective in driving traffic and conversions. They should have a deep understanding of SEO best practices, including keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building. Additionally, they should be proficient in using analytics tools to track and measure the success of their content marketing efforts. Finally, they should have experience working with content management systems, such as WordPress or Drupal, to create and publish content across multiple channels. By hiring a Content Marketer with strong technical expertise, you can ensure that your content marketing efforts are effective and efficient, driving real results for your business.

Education and Relevant Experience

When hiring a Content Marketer, it is important to look for candidates with a strong educational background or relevant experience in the field. A degree in marketing, communications, journalism, or a related field can provide a solid foundation for the role. Additionally, candidates with experience in content creation, copywriting, social media management, and SEO will have a better understanding of the skills required for the job. Look for candidates who have worked in a similar role or industry, and who have a portfolio of successful content marketing campaigns. It is also important to consider candidates who are familiar with the latest trends and technologies in the field, as well as those who are creative, analytical, and have excellent communication skills.


As a hiring manager, it's crucial to find someone with creativity when hiring for a Content Marketer. Creativity is the driving force behind successful content marketing campaigns. A creative content marketer can come up with unique and engaging ideas that capture the attention of the target audience. They can think outside the box and create content that stands out from the competition. Creativity also allows a Content Marketer to adapt to changing trends and consumer preferences, ensuring that the content remains relevant and effective. Without creativity, a content marketer may struggle to create content that resonates with the audience, leading to a lack of engagement and ultimately, a failed campaign. Therefore, it's essential to prioritize creativity when hiring for a Content Marketer to ensure the success of your marketing efforts.

Content Creation Skills

When hiring for a Content Marketer, it is crucial to find someone with Content Creation Skills. Content creation is the backbone of any content marketing strategy. It involves creating high-quality, engaging, and relevant content that resonates with the target audience. A content marketer with content creation skills can create content that not only attracts but also retains the audience's attention. They can create content that is optimized for search engines, social media, and other digital platforms. They can also create different types of content, such as blog posts, videos, infographics, and podcasts, to cater to different audience preferences. Without content creation skills, a content marketer may struggle to create content that meets the audience's needs and expectations, resulting in poor engagement and low conversion rates. Therefore, finding someone with content creation skills is essential for the success of any content marketing strategy.

Content Strategy Development

When hiring for a Content Marketer, it's important to find someone with Content Strategy Development skills because it's the foundation of any successful content marketing campaign. A Content Strategist can help the Content Marketer to identify the target audience, create a content plan, and develop a content calendar. They can also help to ensure that the content is aligned with the company's goals and objectives. Without a solid content strategy, the content marketing efforts may not be effective, and the company may not see the desired results. Therefore, it's crucial to find someone with Content Strategy Development skills to ensure that the content marketing efforts are well-planned, targeted, and effective.

SEO and Analytics Proficiency

When hiring for a Content Marketer, it's important to find someone with SEO and analytics proficiency because these skills are essential for creating effective content strategies. SEO proficiency ensures that the content is optimized for search engines, making it easier for potential customers to find. Analytics proficiency allows the marketer to track the performance of their content and make data-driven decisions to improve it. Without these skills, a content marketer may create great content, but it may not reach its intended audience or achieve the desired results. By finding someone with SEO and analytics proficiency, a company can ensure that their content marketing efforts are effective and impactful.

Ability to Stay Updated

It's important to understand the significance of the skill of staying updated for a Content Marketer. In today's fast-paced digital world, the landscape of content marketing is constantly evolving. New technologies, platforms, and trends emerge every day, and it's crucial for a Content Marketer to stay up-to-date with these changes. By staying updated, a Content Marketer can ensure that their content is relevant, engaging, and effective in reaching the target audience. Additionally, staying updated allows a Content Marketer to stay ahead of the competition and adapt their strategies accordingly. Therefore, the ability to stay updated is a critical skill for a Content Marketer to possess, and it can greatly impact the success of their campaigns.

Communication and Teamwork Skills

It's important to recognize the value of communication and teamwork skills in a Content Marketer. Content marketing is a collaborative effort that involves working with various teams, including writers, designers, and social media managers. Effective communication skills are essential to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals. A content marketer with strong communication skills can articulate their ideas clearly, provide constructive feedback, and collaborate effectively with others. Additionally, teamwork skills are crucial for a Content Marketer to succeed. They must be able to work well with others, delegate tasks, and manage projects effectively. A Content Marketer who possesses both communication and teamwork skills can help build a strong team, foster a positive work environment, and ultimately drive success for the company.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to hire a Content Marketer?

The cost of hiring a Content Marketer can vary depending on several factors such as their experience, location, and the scope of the project. Some Content Marketers charge hourly rates, while others charge a flat fee per project. It's best to research and compare rates from different Content Marketers to find one that fits your budget and needs.

Where can I hire a Content Marketer?

There are several places where you can hire a content marketer: 1. Freelance platforms like Braintrust 2. Job boards like Indeed, Glassdoor, and Braintrust 3. Social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter 4. Referral from colleagues or industry contacts 5. Content marketing agencies or consulting firms

How do I recruit a Content Marketer?

1. Define the role: Before recruiting a content marketer, it is important to define the role and responsibilities of the position. This will help you identify the skills and experience required for the job. 2. Create a job description: Based on the role and responsibilities, create a job description that clearly outlines the requirements, qualifications, and expectations for the position. 3. Post the job: Post the job on relevant job boards, social media platforms, and your company website. You can also reach out to your network and ask for referrals. 4. Screen resumes: Review resumes and cover letters to identify candidates who meet the requirements and qualifications for the position. 5. Conduct interviews: Conduct phone or video interviews to further screen candidates and assess their skills, experience, and fit for the role. 6. Test their skills: Ask candidates to complete a content marketing task or project to assess their skills and abilities. 7. Check references: Contact the candidate's references to verify their experience and skills. 8. Make an offer: Once you have identified the best candidate, make an offer that includes salary, benefits, and any other relevant details. 9. Onboard the new hire: Once the candidate accepts the offer, onboard them and provide training and support to ensure they are set up for success in their new role.

How much does a Content Marketer charge per hour?

The hourly rate for a content marketer can vary depending on their experience, location, and the type of content marketing services they offer. According to a survey conducted by the Content Marketing Institute, the average hourly rate for a content marketer in the United States is between $100 and $200 per hour. However, some content marketers may charge more or less than this range.

Is it hard to find good Content Marketers?

Based on the data available, it can be challenging to find good content marketers. The demand for content marketing has increased significantly in recent years, and many businesses are looking for skilled professionals who can create high-quality content that resonates with their target audience. Additionally, content marketing requires a diverse set of skills, including writing, research, SEO, social media, and analytics, making it difficult to find individuals who excel in all areas. However, with proper research and screening, it is possible to find talented content marketers who can help businesses achieve their marketing goals.

What type of work do Content Marketers generally do?

Content marketers generally create, publish, and distribute various types of content such as blog posts, social media posts, videos, infographics, whitepapers, e-books, and more. They also develop content strategies, conduct research on target audiences, analyze data to measure the effectiveness of their content, and collaborate with other teams such as SEO, design, and sales to ensure that their content aligns with the overall marketing goals of the company. Additionally, content marketers may also engage with their audience through comments, social media, and other channels to build relationships and increase engagement.

Why hire a Content Marketer?

1. Increase brand awareness: A content marketer can help create and distribute content that promotes your brand and increases its visibility. 2. Generate leads: By creating content that addresses the needs and pain points of your target audience, a content marketer can attract potential customers and generate leads. 3. Build trust and credibility: High-quality content that provides value to your audience can help establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry and build trust with your customers. 4. Improve SEO: Content marketing can help improve your website's search engine rankings by creating content that targets relevant keywords and attracts backlinks. 5. Increase engagement: Engaging content can help increase social media shares, comments, and likes, which can help increase brand awareness and drive traffic to your website. 6. Drive conversions: By creating content that addresses the needs and pain points of your target audience, a content marketer can help drive conversions and increase sales.

Are Content Marketers in high demand?

Yes, content marketers are in high demand as businesses are increasingly relying on content marketing to attract and retain customers. With the rise of digital marketing, there is a growing need for skilled content marketers who can create engaging and informative content that resonates with target audiences. Additionally, content marketing is a cost-effective way for businesses to build brand awareness and drive traffic to their websites, making it a valuable investment for companies of all sizes. As a result, the demand for content marketers is expected to continue to grow in the coming years.

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