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How to hire top Angular Developers at Braintrust


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Alex Prudencio

Alex Prudencio

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Montreal, Canada
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Alex Pantaleev

Alex Pantaleev

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Syracuse, NY, USA
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Derek Williams

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London, CA
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How to hire Top Angular Developers


Hiring an Angular developer involves looking for a blend of technical proficiency and soft skills, whether you're a startup or a larger company. Angular is a powerful, feature-rich framework for building complex web applications or mobile apps (iOS and Android), and a good Angular developer needs to have a thorough understanding of its core principles and associated technologies, including JavaScript/TypeScript, RxJS, HTML, CSS, RESTful APIs, and testing frameworks like Jasmine and Protractor. They should also be proficient in the use of Angular tools and libraries like Angular Material and NgRx, plugins, Agile development, or similar development services.

Working in a startup vs. a larger company presents different challenges and expectations. In a startup, an Angular full-stack developer might need to wear many hats, working across the full stack and taking on roles outside of their specialty. They might also need to be more adaptive, as startup environments can be fast-paced and subject to rapid shifts. Larger companies, on the other hand, tend to have more defined roles and a slower pace of change. Developers in these environments might work on specific modules of larger applications and have more specialized roles.

In terms of employment type, both full-time and hourly (contract) positions have their benefits and drawbacks. Full-time Angular developers are typically more integrated into the team and have a deeper understanding of the project, as they're committed for the long haul. They usually have a fixed salary and receive benefits like health insurance, paid leave, and retirement contributions. However, hiring full-time developers involves a significant commitment of resources and time.

On the other hand, hiring Angular developers on an hourly basis offers flexibility. It's often faster and less resource-intensive, making it a good choice for short-term projects or when you need to quickly scale your team. However, these developers may be juggling multiple projects and might not be as immersed in your project as a full-time employee would be. Additionally, the hourly rate for a contract developer can be higher than the equivalent salary for a full-time employee, and management and communication with remote or freelance workers can sometimes be challenging.

Ultimately, hiring the right Angular developer will depend on your business needs or the needs of your development team, project requirements and scope, budget, and company culture. It's important to carefully assess both the technical and interpersonal skill sets of the potential candidates to ensure they're a good fit for your team and project.

Proficiency in Angular

Angular is a rich and robust front-end web application framework maintained by Google. It is used to build Single Page Applications (SPAs) and uses a component-based architecture. Candidates should be proficient with Angular framework concepts such as components, services, modules, directives, and dependency injection. Angular developers should have experience creating reusable, testable, and efficient code. Understanding component lifecycle hooks, state management, and data binding (two-way data binding in particular) is crucial. Proficiency with the Angular CLI, a command line interface tool that speeds up development, is expected. Angular changes frequently, so they should be able to stay up-to-date with the latest versions and their new features.

Knowledge of JavaScript/TypeScript

Angular is built on TypeScript, a statically typed superset of JavaScript, so solid TypeScript skills are a necessity. This includes understanding TypeScript's static types, interfaces, classes, and decorators. They should be comfortable with modern JavaScript (ES6+), including features like promises, async/await, arrow functions, and destructuring. Knowledge of JavaScript fundamentals such as closures, event loop, and prototype inheritance is also important.

Experience with Reactive Programming (RxJS)

RxJS is a library for reactive programming that deals with asynchronous data calls and callback handling. It's at the heart of Angular's asynchronous capabilities, so a strong understanding of RxJS is vital. This includes a deep comprehension of Observables, Subjects, and operators such as map, filter, merge, and switchMap. Knowledge of error handling and retry logic in RxJS is also crucial. The ability to handle complex tasks such as making multiple API calls concurrently, or chaining and coordinating asynchronous operations is a desired skill for an Angular developer.

Understanding of Angular Libraries and Tools

There are several libraries and tools that are essential for effective Angular development. Candidates should be familiar with Angular Material, a UI component library designed to provide high-quality UI components that follow Material Design guidelines. They should also know about NgRx, a reactive state management library inspired by Redux that integrates with RxJS. Knowledge of forms handling using FormBuilder, FormGroup, and FormControl is important for creating user-friendly forms. Tools like Augury or Angular DevTools, which assist in debugging and profiling Angular applications, should also be known. Familiarity with Ivy, Angular's rendering engine, can be beneficial too.

Knowledge of HTML & CSS

Since Angular is a front-end framework, developers must have a solid foundation in HTML and CSS, the building blocks of any web page. This includes understanding HTML tags, attributes, and DOM manipulation. A strong grasp of CSS fundamentals such as selectors, positioning, and box model is also vital. Knowledge of CSS Flexbox and Grid layout techniques is a plus. As Angular makes use of component-based architecture, an understanding of Shadow DOM and CSS Scoping could be beneficial. Familiarity with CSS preprocessors like SASS or LESS, which extend CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, and functions, can enhance their coding efficiency.

Familiarity with Testing Frameworks

Testing is a crucial part of the software development process, ensuring the correctness and reliability of the code. Angular provides out-of-the-box support for testing frameworks like Jasmine and Protractor. Jasmine is used for unit testing components, services, and pipes, while Protractor is used for end-to-end testing to ensure that the application works as expected from a user's perspective. Knowledge of these or other testing methodologies (like Test-Driven Development) is a valuable skill, as is familiarity with debugging tools and practices.

Understanding of RESTful APIs and AJAX

Angular application development often interacts with backend services to fetch data or perform operations. Therefore, understanding how to interact with RESTful APIs using HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE is vital. They should know how to make AJAX calls to asynchronously fetch data from the server without refreshing the page. Familiarity with handling JSON data is expected. Knowledge of HTTP interceptors for request and response transformations can be beneficial. Understanding of web security concepts like CORS and CSRF can be valuable too.

Soft Skills

Apart from technical skills, soft skills are equally important. Communication skills are crucial, both for understanding requirements and for explaining technical information to non-technical colleagues. Problem-solving abilities are needed to deal with bugs, performance issues, or design challenges. Teamwork is essential in a collaborative environment like software development. Adaptability is important as technologies and requirements can change. A capacity for continuous learning is beneficial in the fast-paced field of web development. For remote developers, self-motivation and ability to work independently are additional factors to consider. Emotional intelligence and the ability to handle criticism and provide constructive feedback can make for a healthy work environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to hire an Angular Developer?

The cost to hire an Angular developer can vary significantly depending on the developer’s years of experience, the complexity of your project, the developer's geographic location (or time zone), and whether they are being hired as a full-time employee or on a contract basis. In the United States, the average annual salary for an Angular developer is approximately $85,000 to $120,000. However, this can be much higher in high-demand areas like Silicon Valley or for highly experienced developers. Contract or freelance developers typically charge by the hour, and these rates can also vary widely.

Where can I hire an Angular Developer?

You can hire Angular developers through a variety of channels. Traditional job boards like Indeed, Glassdoor, or LinkedIn can be effective, as can tech-specific job sites like StackOverflow Jobs or GitHub Jobs. Freelance platforms such as Braintrust cater specifically to freelance or contract developers and allow you to post jobs for free. You might also consider working with a recruitment agency that specializes in tech roles. Networking can also be beneficial, through attending industry events, meetups, or online forums.

How much does an Angular Developer charge per hour?

The hourly rate for an Angular developer can vary widely based on their skills, experience level, and location. An Angular developer might charge anywhere from $20 to over $100 per hour. Developers in North America, Western Europe, and Australia typically charge higher rates due to higher costs of living in those regions, while developers in regions like Eastern Europe, Asia, or Africa might charge lower rates. Keep in mind that the rate should not be the only factor in your decision, as the quality and efficiency of the developer's work are also crucial.

Is it hard to find a good Angular Developer?

The demand for skilled Angular developers is high, and the competition to attract top-notch talent is fierce, making it challenging to find the best Angular developer. Angular is a complex and powerful framework, and mastery requires a strong understanding of both Angular itself and the broader web development ecosystem, including JavaScript/TypeScript, HTML/CSS, and RxJS. However, this difficulty can be mitigated with a well-thought-out hiring process or recruitment strategy, a clear job description, and an efficient screening process that includes technical tests or coding challenges.

What types of applications do Angular Developers typically work on?

Angular developers typically work on building and maintaining Single Page Applications (SPAs), progressive web apps (PWAs), and web apps with complex, dynamic user interfaces. These applications span a wide range of industries and can include eCommerce platforms, social networking sites, real-time chat applications, interactive dashboards, and many more. Given Angular's modularity and scalability, it's well-suited to both small, rapid development projects and larger, enterprise-grade applications.

Why hire an Angular Developer?

Angular developers are essential for businesses or development companies looking to create dynamic, high-performing web applications. Angular's robust feature set, including two-way data binding, dependency injection, modularity, and the ability to create reusable components, makes it a powerful tool for efficient web development. An experienced Angular developer can help create web or mobile applications that provide a smooth user experience, are maintainable, scalable, and can integrate easily with other systems and APIs. Hiring a dedicated Angular developer ensures that you have the necessary expertise to leverage these benefits effectively.

Is Angular still in demand?

Yes, Angular is definitely still in demand. Angular continues to be a popular choice for web or mobile app development, particularly for enterprise-level applications due to its robustness, scalability, and strong support from Google. The demand for Angular developers reflects this popularity. However, the tech industry is dynamic, and trends can shift, so it's important for developers and businesses alike to keep abreast of changes in the industry.

What’s the difference between AngularJS and Angular?

AngularJS and Angular are both open-source front-end development frameworks developed by Google, but they represent two different paradigms.

AngularJS: Introduced in 2010, AngularJS is a JavaScript framework that was groundbreaking for its time. It introduced many powerful features for developing single-page applications (SPAs), such as two-way data binding, dependency injection, and a modular architecture. AngularJS follows an MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, which facilitates a dynamic update of views based on model changes.

Angular: Due to various limitations in AngularJS, Google completely rewrote the framework and launched Angular 2 (or simply Angular) in 2016. Since then, Angular has continued to evolve with subsequent versions (Angular 3 was skipped, but there are Angular 4, 5, 6, etc.), but they are all just called "Angular" to distinguish them from AngularJS. Angular shifted from JavaScript to TypeScript, a statically-typed superset of JavaScript. It introduced a component-based architecture, which is more efficient and better for large-scale applications. It also brought performance improvements with features like ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation, change detection, and lazy loading.

In summary, while AngularJS and Angular share a name and were developed by the same team, they are fundamentally different frameworks. Angular represents a complete rewrite and a significant upgrade over AngularJS, with better performance, more features, and a shift to a component-based architecture. Currently, AngularJS is no longer being actively maintained by Google, and Angular is recommended for new projects. However, you can use Braintrust to hire AngularJS developers or programmers who go through our vetting process to ensure they are a fit for your team.

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