Braintrust Blog | The Future of Work.

The Leading Job Descriptions and Interview Questions To Attract High-Quality Talent

Written by Claire Lee | Jan 9, 2024 10:48:08 PM

Picture this. You’re a hiring manager who has been making a case (arguing, begging, pleading!) for additional headcount for months. Then, one day, your boss says, “Okay! Go hire.” 

Now what?! 

You start frantically searching the internet for sample “job description” and “interview questions” and go down the rabbit hole of generic templates, cookie-cutter qualifications, and a laundry list of skills and key phrases. You copy-paste pieces from these templates from the depths of the internet into a Frankensteined Google Doc with some of your company’s benefits and perks. Voila! You now have a vague description of what you’re looking for and a not-at-all strategic plan to hire that talent you fought for.

What if there was a better way? 

A better way to hire

Today, Braintrust launched a comprehensive library of job descriptions and interview questions for 200+ of the most in-demand roles on the platform. The templates cover a wide range of industries and functions, including marketing, engineering, data science, design, AI, and many more. Best of all, they are easy to access, download, and customize. Oh, and did we mention they’re free?

Customers come to Braintrust to find high-quality talent, FAST. These new job descriptions and interview questions were crafted leveraging data from over 6,500 successfully completed jobs, tens of thousands of posted jobs, and help from our talent community of over 550,000 worldwide to ensure we help customers accelerate hiring not just any talent but the right talent.

Our community of pre-vetted and highly skilled independent professionals means you have access to a talent pool unmatched by traditional hiring methods. The top 5 most popular Job Description Templates are seamlessly integrated into the Braintrust Job Posting Flow, providing instant access to the templates you need most. 


How does it work? 

Let's say you are hiring an AI engineer (because who isn't these days). 

Log Into your account or sign up if you don't have one. Navigate to your Dashboard and click Post a Job.

You can copy and paste the AI Engineer Job Description and start getting matches! Once you’ve selected the candidates you’re interested in speaking with, you can rely on our AI Engineer Interview Questions to help you determine the best fit.

What are you waiting for? 

Braintrust's Job Description Templates and Interview Questions are more than just tools – they are a game-changer for hiring managers who value both speed and quality. Having well-tested templates and interview questions leading to successful hires eliminates the need to reinvent the wheel, freeing you to focus on interviewing and onboarding your dream team. Our community of pre-vetted and skilled independent professionals means you have access to a talent pool unmatched by traditional hiring methods.